Traditional cough medicine

Traditional Cough - Do you have problems with cough and always disturbing your daily activities? Actually, coughing is not a disease. But the cough is a symptom of a disease. Or a reaction of the body to irritation in the throat because of the food, smoke, mucus, dust and others.Coughing is a specific stimulus, such as dust in cough receptor (nose, respiratory tract, even ears). Then the receptor will flow through to the central nervous cough in the brain. Here will give a reaction to the muscles of the body to remove foreign objects before, so there was a cough.

Cough traditional one:
10 grams of dried mandarin orange peel and 25 grams kencur (sliced ​​thin) boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, then the water is drunk while warm.
Usage: Take 2 times a day

Traditional cough medicine 2:
10 pieces of betel leaves boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, then the water is drunk while warm.
Usage: Take 2 times a day

Traditional Cough 3:
10 grams of dried mandarin orange peel and 250 grams of fresh boiled squash with the remaining 600 cc to 300 cc, then drink while warm.

Traditional Cough 4:
Blend the ingredients in the form of 4 grams of onion bulbs, 4 grams of fresh leaf poko, 3 grams of fresh leaves Sembung, 4 grams of fresh herbs grip, 2 grams of fennel fruit and 125 ml of water. Add the water. Infusion made or made pills.

Traditional Cough 5:
Mix 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of pure honey, 5 tablespoons of boiled water, then steamed for 30 minutes. Dosage drinking babies between the ages of 6-1 years: 2 times 1 / 2 tsp; children 1-3 years: 1 teaspoon 2 times; children 4-5 years: 2 times 1 1 / 2 tsp.
Alternatively, cut into 1 piece of lemon, squeeze the water, put it in a glass / cup. Add the soy sauce, stir. Dosing drink for children, 1 tsp 3 times per day.Hopefully with some of the ways above can help you to overcome cough. To further familiarize yourself well in advance of perceived cough. New giving the right medicine. Consult doctor if the cough continued and got worse.

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