Orange Juice For Health Benefits

 Orange juice is a popular drink made ​​from oranges that are extracted into a healthy and refreshing beverage. Orange juice has a refreshing aroma and tempting so much preferred all walks of life. In addition to making the easy way, orange juice also contains many nutrients are not less great with other fruits.

What Can You Given In Orange Juice?
Are you among those who like orange juice? If so, you can berlega heart. Because, by drinking orange juice every day you can reduce some risk of disease. Beside rich in vitamin C, orange juice also contains magnesium which can help keep blood pressure and reduces risk of heart attack. In addition, orange juice can also improve your immune system.

 The content of folic acid found in citrus juice is also important for your brain development, whereas high potassium content helps maintain healthy blood circulation. Orange juice also contains thiamin, which helps change food into energy.

Carotenoids in orange juice is a powerful antioxidant that can fight harmful free radicals. Carotenoids also prevent premature aging. Phytonutrients in citrus juice helps nutrients to function more effectively. This juice is rich in vitamin B6 which improve the processing of carbohydrates and proteins in food. Vitamin B6 also increases the production of hemoglobin which is responsible for carrying blood to all parts of the body.

Orange juice every day may reduce the development of kidney stones. The fiber content in orange juice also helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body. Orange juice contains natural sugars and fructose which controls blood sugar levels rise after eating.

Honey for health benefits

Honey for health benefits - When a human actually started to use honey? Activities to collect honey reputedly been going since 10,000 years ago. Evidence that contain this opinion is the finding pictures on the wall in a cave in Valencia, Spain. The figure shows two men using a ladder made from a type of wild grass was reaching for a honeycomb containing honey. At first, people take better advantage of honey as food. Then, the use of honey is no longer limited to just consumed as a sweetener.Energy sourcesIn the past, the Roman and ancient Greek athletes took honey before and after competing as a remedy for stamina and energy restorer. For centuries, honey is known as fuel for athletes is because honey contains sugar is rapidly absorbed by the digestive system so honey is a source of instant energy. Until now, the sports world honey given before the game and used as a substitute for carbohydrates during exercise.As effective as glucoseThe results of research which issued a medical journal mentions levels of glycemic index (GI measure to measure the negative impact of food in blood sugar) is low on honey slows the absorption of sugar in the blood so that more healthy digestive system and ensure the availability of carbohydrates during exercise. Meanwhile, the Laboratory of Nutrition at the University Mempish stated that honey is as effective as glucose for carbohydrate replacement heating.Wound healingIn the world of medicine the Greeks and Romans pioneered the use of honey to treat nasal congestion while the ancient Egyptians pioneered the use of honey to treat wounds. They make an ointment of honey to treat burns and puncture wounds caused by sharp objects.As antibioticsAfter thousands of years of use, the efficacy of honey as a wound revealed in scientific medicine. Honey works as a natural antibiotic that sangggup defeat deadly bacteria. Honey is very acidic so it is not suitable for the growth and proliferation of bacteria. Honey produces hydrogen peroxide which is an incredible anti-septic. The process of osmosis in the viscosity of honey honey eradicate the bacteria that contain little water to give a process of osmosis to absorb water from the bacteria in wounds and burns, is like a sponge absorbs water. Honey dry bacteria so the bacteria difficult to grow.Kill germsExtraordinary nutrient content among other free amino acids in honey can help cure diseases. Honey contains antibiotic substances that are useful for defeating pathogens causing infections panyakit. Following the ancient Egyptians after a scientific study to discover facts, honey ointment for wounds are now in production in Australia.TherapyEgypt is known Bangsaa most expertly concocted drugs from natural ingredients. Honey is included in the 500 prescription drugs than 900 recipes that are known. Modern medicine which refers to the therapeutic use of honey from ancient Egypt are satisfied with the results.Treating ulcersUniversity of Wisconsin Medical School Hospital and Public Health, for example, Applying honey therapy for ulcers suffered by diabetics. The trial against a 79-year-old patient had healed ulcers on his toes. The patient did not even amputated thanks to the honey therapy.AntioxidantsIn New Zealand, honey therapy managed to cure blisters on the backs of patients who are too old lying in a hospital bed. In the United Arab Emirates, honey treatment for wounds caused by herpes and genital lips penyambuhan accelerate and reduce pain. Meanwhile, to prove the role of honey as an antioxidant researcher at the University of California proved able to increase honey consumption of antioxidants in the blood. Tests on rats to assess the ability of honey increases the absorption of calcium give satisfactory results. Research at Purdue University concluded, the consumption of calcium supplements with honey can improve the absorption of calcium by the body.AgelessWhy Queen Mother and Queen Elizabeth's long-lived? Can be believed, honey plays a major role in maintaining health so make keduannya longevity. For the British Royal family, breakfast honey is their daily habit of applying a high-quality honey on bread. Natural sweetness of honey is used in England until the mid-17th century. These habits had changed when sugar is considered more classy started in production. But after the widespread use of sugar is no longer confined to the upper class, the royal family returned to consume honey. That's why they are well maintained health.

22 Efficacy GARLIC

22 Efficacy GARLIC:

1. Inhibiting the deterioration of the brain and immune system

2. Helps to inhibit the aging process. Inhibit cancer cell growth.

3. By eating garlic, cancer risk can be reduced.

4. Garlic is consumed regularly in a certain period of time can help lower cholesterol levels.

5. Anti-cholesterol agent in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clotting.

6. Garlic can help relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.

7. With a softer effect. Garlic contains vitamin A.

8. Garlic contains vitamin B.

9. Garlic contains vitamin C.

10. Garlic contains calcium.

11. Garlic contains potassium

12. Garlic contains antioxidants. Garlic contains carotene and selenium

13. Eating 2-3 cloves of garlic a day, will avoid the possibility of heart disease.

14. Cure high blood pressure

15. Alleviate peptic ulcers

16. Lowering cholesterol in the blood

17. Increases blood insulin for diabetics.

18. Knocking out the free radicals that interfere with the immune system

19. Useful as an antidote to poison (detoxifier) which protects the body from various diseases.

20. Help adding appetite when eaten raw

21. Maintain stamina

22. Properties contain antimicrobial, antithrombotic, hypolipidemic, antiarthritis, hypoglycemic, and also has as an antitumor antivitas.

8 Food Relief Headaches

There are different types of headache with different levels. But one thing in common is the coming of a headache to make any form of activity to be disrupted.Headache is a symptom of a number of physical and mental imbalance. Most of us usually take anti-pain medication to ease it. In fact, there are actually alternatives to drugs that can help with headaches. Some foods and liquids is believed to help expel the pain in the head. Here are eight of them:1. Potatoes: Headaches that arise due to drunkenness, not only due to dehydration but also because of the loss of electrolytes such as potassium. Therefore, eating foods rich in potassium may help relieve headaches. Potatoes contain more potassium that is 100 grams, while the baked potato (with skin) contains up to 600 mg of potassium.2. Bananas: Bananas are not only rich in potassium but also magnesium (bananas medium containing 10% of your daily intake recommendations). Magnesium can relieve your migraine and headaches due to stress. Numerous studies have linked between magnesium deficiency and migraine headaches. Research shows that about half of all migraine sufferers have ionized magnesium in the blood in small amounts.Magnesium, which was conceived in bananas, protecting the body from headaches by relaxing the blood vessels. In addition, magnesium has a calming effect so it is useful to relieve tension headaches. Dried apricots, avocados, almonds, cashews, brown rice, nuts and seeds merupkan other foods rich in magnesium.3. Coffee: Caffeine in coffee is useful as it is dangerous for the victims of a headache. Caffeine is a substance common in prescription and free medicines for headaches because it can relieve pain and 40% more effective in treating headaches. Caffeine also helps the body absorb headache medications more quickly, making the drug more quickly to work. Caffeine can be a headache reliever that is very effective, especially migraines, but if taken too much can create headaches recur. Thus, it is recommended remedy drink coffee no more than 2 or 3 cups per day.4. Cereal grains (whole grains): If you live a low carb diet, you will begin to drain the main source of energy for the brain, the glycogen reserves. It also makes the body lose fluids quickly, causing dehydration. Dehydration along with the reduction in energy to the brain can lead to headaches. If you eat foods that sound like a carb (whole grains such as wheat breads, wheat cereals, oatmeal, and fruit), not only can repel head pain but also improve your mood.5. Watermelon: Dehydration is a common cause of headaches, then consider mengasup drink plenty of water and water-rich foods (like watermelon). Fruits are rich in water also contains essential minerals, like magnesium, which is key to preventing headaches. You can also try a sports drink berelektrolit if you may get headaches after exercising for a long time since losing a lot of minerals in the body.6. Fish: Fatty fish (like salmon, tuna, and mackerel) is useful as a remedy for migraine headaches because it is rich in essential fatty acids, omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids can inhibit the inflammation that often trigger migraines. If you can not eat fish every day, not to worry. You can take fish oil supplements and adding foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, tofu, and soy beans for extra omega-3 in your diet.7. Sesame Seeds: Sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E and can help stabilize estrogen levels and prevent migraines during your period. In addition, sesame seeds are also rich in magnesium, which in turn will help prevent headaches. Other foods that contain high amounts of vitamin E, among others, nuts, olive oil, dandelion, wheat, and sweet potatoes.8. Ginger: In addition to being a cure for nausea, ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine is also useful to combat headaches. Cook ginger or combine with other beverages such as tea.


19 The benefits of coconut water

 The benefits of coconut water
1. Coconut water can be to treat diarrhea (see coconut water could dare to treat).2. Coconut water can be to treat diarrhea and vomiting (can read postings young coconut water to treat diarrhea and vomiting).3. You may not know, it turns out coconut water contains no cholesterol and low fat. so it is more nutritious when compared with full milk (whole milk).4. Coconut water can cleanse the digestive tract, but it can improve blood circulation.5. Besides it can to make your immune system better, coconut water can also help the body fight some types of viruses that cause disease6. For those of you who suffer from kidney stones, try to get used to drink coconut water regularly. The habit of drinking coconut water this will help children break up kidney stones so as to facilitate their exit from the body7. Since the first coconut water is known to cure urinary tract disorders. A glass of coconut water can relieve pain due to difficulty urinating8. Coconut water can be to quickly restore a sense of dizziness due to intoxication.9. Coconut water is very rich in electrolytes and potassium. And know that potassium useful tips to help the body regulate blood pressure and cardiac function10. If any member of your family who suffer from dengue, coconut water can accelerate the rise in trombosite.11. Coconut water is useful as a diuretic, which is to expedite expenditure of urine.12. Young coconut water can be to treat dehydration. The way is by mixing with a little lemon juice.13. Coconut water is beneficial to overcome intestinal worms in young children.14. A mixture of coconut water with milk have benefits for preventing clotting of milk in the stomach, vomiting, constipation, and gastrointestinal illness15. Young coconut water can also help overcome the toxic effect of sulfa drugs and other antibiotics, making the drugs more quickly absorbed by the blood16. Coconut water can be to deal with acne. The trick is to wash your face every day continuously with coconut water. In addition to menyembuhka acne can be, it could be to cope with black spots, wrinkles on the face, dry skin, and face may seem to glow.17. Mix coconut milk with a little honey. This herb is a tonic that cheap but nutritious. This herb stimulates the body's sexual centers and eliminate the harmful effects of excess sexual arousal.18. The benefits of coconut water can be for mengobat wounds, cracked feet, even eczema. How to create topical drugs made from rice and coconut milk. How to make it very easy, with about a handful of rice, then soak the rice in water with a young coconut shell until the rice turns sour because of fermentation, then rice pounded until smooth. Ways of working life by applying the rice flour on the sick on a regular basis every day for 3-4 days.19. Coconut water can also to overcome the drug burns. The way young coconut water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder and water whiting in equal measure. Use the potion on the sick. This natural remedy bisa.menghilangkan burning sensation on the soles of the feet and handsBut really, besides containing the benefits, if too much to drink young coconut water can cause weakness, at least for a while, and it was just a little. Even for having bone disorders and problems with not too much, consume lots of coconut water

benefits of apple juice

The benefits of apple juice. Eating apple juice is very good for health. A row of apple juice following benefits will probably make you more falling in love against the fruit of this one.

Here are the benefits of apple juice that you should remember well. The benefits of drinking juice.

Here is apple juice benefits include:

1. Control and stabilize the weight
2. Helps fight the aging process

Excited! Efficacy Fruit Dates

3. Against rheumatoid arthritis
4. lowering cholesterol
5. Lowering blood pressure
6. Increase HDL

7. Stabilizes blood sugar
8. As an anti-cancer agent, see also the benefits of noni for cancer
9. To cure heart disease
10. Increasing HDL or high density lipoprotein
11. Reduce appetite
12. Helps you lose weight
13. strengthen the kidneys



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