Skin whitening

Having white skin is probably the dream of many people. It's human name was never satisfied. Whose skin is brown to white, white skin while sometimes even wants to blacken, hihihi ... Therefore I would like to share a few tips on Natural Skin Whitening How how the heck. Consider the following:1. Clean your face twice a day. Before bed and after waking up or after you finish Doing Activities outdoors. Use a milk cleanser and freshener to remove all remaining dirt on the face.2. Every once a week, do scrub and mask for the face and body skin scrubs for. This is useful for exfoliation or remove dead skin cells that accumulate on the skin of the face and body. This causes the dead skin so your skin rough and dull. In this way accelerate the turnover of skin cells layer, which will automatically make the skin look fresh and glowing. Use a natural scrub such as scrub sugar mixture and olive oil or honey. In addition  Bengkoang masks, masks cucumber soybeans and you can try. Cucumbers are rich in vitamins, fats and minerals that can whiten the skin. Or, use a mask of a mixture of coarse water 1 tomato and 1 piece of lemon or lime juice. The content of citric acid in lime or lemon able to whiten the skin. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse. Papaya is also believed to whiten skin because the papaya enzyme can accelerate the regeneration of new skin growth. Bengkoang scrubs, crown the god, avocado mixed with milk can also whiten your skin.3. Consumption of 4 healthy 5 perfect food, especially salmon and green leafy vegetables like spinach. Good fats contained in salmon can make the burned skin cells, regenerate quickly. Likewise with the vegetables. Drinking Vitamin C and E on a regular basis can also restore the freshness and beauty of skin. Your skin will look healthy and glowing.4. Use moisturizer on the skin, body lotion and sunblock of at least SPF20 on her body to ward off the heat of the sun. This was done because of exposure to sunlight can cause Hyperpigmentation (skin blemishes).5. Do a healthy lifestyle starts with a simple way. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and getting enough sleep 7 hours a day. Be happy and avoid the stress! Because a healthy body and soul will make your skin more white!

In the market are available a variety of cosmetics for How to whiten skin, but nevertheless the results are not going
durable and as safe as natural. So, if you can try to get naturally why not try. The end result submit to the almighty, people just usually try.


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