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1. Use Item 10 cloves roasted and then crushed to a powder, clove powder and then inserted into the hollow tooth and then covered with cotton. Grown garlic to taste until smooth then placed in a hollow tooth.
2. Use green peppers cut and burned the edges a little. Once hot, chili paste on the sore tooth.
3. Use the leaves boiled with water flowers afternoon until the remaining 600 cc 300 cc, and then used while warm rinse his mouth.
4. Fruits starfruit, starfruit 5 fruit washed, ate with a little salt, chewing holes in the tooth in place.
5. Ice block / stone Take a small piece of ice behind and put in between your forefinger and thumb. Massage gently in the part, well now you can feel the pain slowly began to lose? Massage comfortable by the ice beam touches the nerve cells are located around the thumb and forefinger. Massage is done the ice directly to the central nerve blocks, so that 60-90% of pain you are feeling quickly dissipates.
6. Minced garlic (1 clove of garlic), then sprinkle a little salt. Chewing on the sore area and soon the pain in your teeth will slowly disappear. You can also use it as therapy to strengthen the bone structure of your teeth.
7. Same way with onion Garlic. The content of the enzyme in onions may help kill the bad germs in the mouth.
8. Orange juice, lemon juice Squeeze, Pulaskan on the sore tooth that spoonful after spoonful every 10 minutes until the orange juice runs out. Beside rich in vitamin C, orange juice also acts as a pain reliever of your teeth.
9. It's easy salt, sprinkle salt in a glass of warm mineral water. Stir and then use as a means of mouthwash. Gargle at least until you feel comfortable enough and not too tormented by pain tooth.
Avocado fruit is one type of fruit is special because a lot of fat contains 20-30 times more if compared to other fruits. Avocado Fruit juice can be a refreshing drink and delicious because bauh avocado has properties and health benefits. The content of fats contained in avocados include unsaturated fats that the body will easily digestible and nutritious for the body.
Persea Americana Avocado fruit or fruit that is relatively easily found around us. Efficacy and benefits of an avocado is very much at all for humans because of an avocado has a rich variety of substances that will benefit
To obtain the benefits you can also memenfaatkan Avocado fruit is by making it into juice. Not only are the delicious taste, a variety of avocado juice content is also very good for the health of the human body.
In the avocado there is a wide range of substances with very high nutrient our body needs. At least the avocado contains 11 vitamins and 14 minerals which is a protein, niacin (vitamin B3), riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin C, potassium, etc.. Substances in avocados is very useful for maintaining the health of our bodies as well as it could be to treat various diseases such as anemia, diabetes, until the pre-menstrual.
By making drinks juice from Avocado would be easy for you or it may also increase your appetite will consume fruit Avocado,
he benefits and efficacy of juice Avocado :
1. Efficacious for lowering blood cholesterol
2. Efficacious to moisturize the skin
3. Efficacious to help the regeneration of red blood
4. Efficacious for preventing anemia
5. Efficacious to prevent constipation
6. To prevent malnutrition
The modern era sometimes make us very modern lifestyle, as well as in medicine and in maintaining our health is all done with a very modern way. And if we want to live a healthier lifestyle is more promising than all natural premises the way we do it the modern way. What else do we live in a tropical country, a very support to maintain health naturally. One way of treating and maintaining our health is by making use of turmeric.Who does not know turmeric? Turmeric is very easy to find, because it is usually used as a spice turmeric or a mixture of herbs and spices. But other than useful as a kitchen spice, turmeric that has many benefits for our health.Since 2500 years ago, the people of India have used turmeric, turmeric beginning only known as a coloring agent. But gradually mamiliki known that turmeric health benefits. This is the 20 benefits of turmeric for our health.
1. Turmeric as an antiseptic and a natural antibacterial agent, useful as a disinfectant like any ordinary wound burns.2. When combined with cauliflower, turmeric has been shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.3. Prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.4. Turmeric can prevent skin cancer melanoma and cause melanoma cells to die by itself.5. Turmeric is beneficial Reducing the risk of childhood leukemia.6. Turmeric is useful as expenditures toxins naturally from the heart.7. Turmeric can prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by eliminating the buildup of plaque in the brain amyloyd.8. Turmeric can prevent metastasis of the occurrence of various forms of cancer.9. Turmeric is useful as an anti-inflammatory drugs but without side effects.10. Can slow the progression of multiple sclerosis.11. Turmeric is useful as a natural painkiller.12. Can assist in fat metabolism and helps in weight management.13. It has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.14. Turmeric can be used as a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.15. Turmeric Able to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy treatment.16. Turmeric is beneficial in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. However this is still in research stage.17. The study is ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.18. Research has shown that turmeric can stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.19. Turmeric can accelerate wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.20. Can assist in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.

Least healthy food we all depend on our asup. Making changes, especially in what you eat, is one of the easiest ways to manage and control health. In addition to providing the energy required, the food you consume each day also plays an important role in preventing various diseases.There are many healthy foods that you can easily get in nature. Here are 10 of the world's most nutritious foods you should enter in the daily diet:AvocadoDo not misinterpret the fat contained in avocado fruit. Avocado fat included in the monounsaturated fat group so it will not make your belly fat. Avocados can actually lower cholesterol. The researchers found that replacing only 5 percent of calories from saturated fat (butter or cheese) with monounsaturated fats (avocados) can cut risk of heart attack more than a third. Other additional benefits, avocados are also high in beta-sitosterol, plant sterols inhibit cholesterol absorption from food, acting as an anticancer compound (glutatin) and powerful antioxidants.BeanPeanuts is actually good for your heart because the beans can absorb cholesterol that the body can throw it away before it attaches to the artery walls. The study found that diets high in soluble fiber can reduce total cholesterol by 10-15 percent. A recent study even suggests, the food is sourced from whole grains in the top tier with the highest antioxidant level category.BlueberriesThe content of antioxidant compounds in blueberries called anthocyanin, flavonoid, or better known works ward off heart disease, cancer and age-related blindness and memory loss. Like their cousin the cranberry, blueberry shown to prevent urinary tract infections, thanks to epicatechins antioxidant, which keeps bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. In fact, the fiber in blueberries potent in warding off constipation.BroccoliBroccoli is one of the cancer-fighting foods, thanks to the presence of sulfur compounds, such as sulforaphane. Eating more broccoli can cut a person's risk of breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer. Sulforaphane has also been proven to be effective to kill bacteria that cause ulcers.Broccoli is also the best source of calcium and potassium, so good for bones and regulate your blood pressure. Vitamin C and beta-carotene can also protect your eyes from cataracts and keep brain cells from free radical attack.Dark chocolateDark chocolate contains large amounts of flavonoids, an antioxidant. In fact, the content of flavonoids in dark chocolate more than any other food. The study found that antioxidants can increase blood pressure, prevent blood clotting, slow oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and reduce inflammation. Some research suggests that eating 45 grams (1.5 ounces) per day can reduce heart attack risk by 10 percent. Eating dark chocolate dark can also reduce insulin resistance, the main problem behind diabetes.Flax seeds (flaxseed)Flax seed works just like the hormone estrogen in the body, blocking the estrogen receptors on cells and contribute to related decrease in levels of certain hormones associated with cancers, like breast cancer. Flaxseed is also a fantastic source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential fatty acid that the body uses to make omega-3 fatty acids. ALA serves the blood and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.GarlicGarlic has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties as, potentially even to expel some antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Although only a little lower cholesterol, these herbs also act as blood thinners, reducing the formation of blood clots, heart attack and stroke risk. Take at least six or more cloves of garlic a week can cut the risk of colorectal cancer, gastric, and prostate cancer than to eat one clove per week.SalmonEat at least two servings of salmon per week can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 17 percent and your risk of heart attack by 27 percent. A Swedish study that followed more than 6,000 men for 30 years found that those who ate fatty fish in moderate amounts-third lower risk of prostate cancer.SpinachBesides functioning in protecting your eyes from macular degeneration (vision acuity reduction), the content of carotenoids in spinach can also help maintain bone density and prevent fracture risk. All kinds of green vegetables are a rich source of potassium and magnesium and folate, all of which function in maintaining blood pressure and reduce stroke risk. Folate also contribute in cutting the risk of lung cancer for former smokers.YogurtYogurt is a food source that plays an important role in bone development. However, the real power lies in the good bacteria, known as probiotics, which continues to suppress the growth of harmful bacteria in your intestines. Too many bacteria are "bad" can cause gastrointestinal and other health problems. Eating yogurt can help to overcome inflammatory diseases (inflammatory) bowel, ulcers, urinary tract infections and vaginal yeast infections.
sources: besthealthmag

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO). Health not only refers to one's physical aspect but also involves the aspects of mental, emotional, social and spiritual as well.There are various kinds of ancient and modern practices that make optimal body health. Coming from different cultures, each one is unique with its own techniques and guidelines. And with the help of these practices.To achieve optimal health should involve five aspects, all of which can be achieved by practicing some form of ancient Chinese martial art, one of the oldest, Tai Chi.Tai Chi Chuan, or simply, Tai Chi, meaning "the main strength of the highest". The goal is to bring the body and mind together, by using the "strength". Most of the so-called by the Chinese as "Chi", is believed to be a vital force. These include sports yoga and meditation, creating a state of relaxation and inner peace. Although thought to be a form of ancient Chinese martial art, more confidence to be an alternative stress reducer. And because the movement is similar to martial arts, practicing Tai Chi can be another way to learn some martial arts techniques, which proved to be applied in real life situations. Tai Chi involves specific movements of the body with slow, graceful, even not only movement but subtle rhythmic breathing while freeing the mind, to achieve a sense of inner calm.Every movement, which must be implemented correctly and appropriately. This allows the body to recover, giving the feeling revitalized and renewed the return of the resurrection of the body's overall health.Tai Chi pose health benefits of diversity, ranging from reducing anxiety and depression, improve posture, balance, flexibility and muscle strength, improve sleep patterns, lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular fitness and increase energy, endurance and agility. And thus, feelings of well being.This can be done alone or with a group, regardless of age or physical ability. However, it is advisable to consult a physician before starting a new program.Tai Chi or other forms of alternative or complementary practices to achieve optimal health, it can be very effective if coupled with proper diet, exercise regularly and maintain good health and a healthy mind.This is useful and helps avoid sugar, oily and fatty foods, increase healthy diet, balanced high fiber, and must be balanced by drinking at least 8-12 glasses a day and set a regular sleep pattern. This is useful for maintaining aspects of mental, emotional, spiritual and social.
The benefits of learning and practice of traditional reiki reiki any, have been shown to reiki to cure illness complaints. Reiki practitioners who have a complaint before the disease by practicing diligently and complaints of illness will be gone and he became healthy again. By learning and practice Reiki every day, a man who has received Reiki attunements reiki tradition whatever will immediately connect with the divine energy that exist in this universe.
With auto-connect with the divine energy it has the rights inherent in him at all times be able to access the Reiki energy without being limited amount of energy that must be accessed. Reiki energy is harnessed whether to maintain a healthy body, an increase of spiritual or other purposes in life. If he chose to maintain the health of the reiki is the right choice in life.
Why? Surely you belong to me ... well with reiki ... been sick and in pain we feel to be helpless. In the collapsed state of feeling sick, someone will try to find a medical cure is through medicine, alternative or by taking the herbs. Please which one is right for you to choose.
If we choose an alternative healing reiki as well as independent and we can also help other relatives who are sick, then the right choice for reiki learned and practiced. Reiki is very easily learned by anyone, any nation, even from adherents of any religion. All have the same opportunity to be able to easily access the Reiki as long as know how.
When reiki trained on an ongoing basis the negative energies that exist in your body will be removed from the body. Instead the positive energy of the universe would be silent in your energy body that serves a shield from disease. This positive energy then wrap the body in the body to make the protection of seranganenergi negative form of the disease.Energy around the body normally forms a protective layer called the aura. With a thick layer that protects the body's aura, then the disease will be difficult to penetrate into the body. That means you, including me .... Healthy with reiki will likely healthy and fit throughout the day. You can practice Reiki at the same time saving good deeds fruitful and positive karma can help others in health problems.Each meeting is always attended workshops reiki practitioner reiki new face candidate. Even Reiki practitioners who are still sitting at level one reiki class can feel the real benefits of the practice of reiki. For example people who get colds sinusitis and prolonged disruption easily catch a cold when the rain hit, with self-healing practice complaint then this will blow over. Provided that the health diligent reiki channel will be a valuable and a healthy human.Not only that physical healing benefits of Reiki. Reiki energy is also able to overcome one's mental and emotional disorders. Spiritually mental and emotional problems are stored in layers of mental and emotional body. So this disease is not there just a physical body but the mental body that affects a person's mind. The energy granulated coarse physical body is only able to penetrate the subtle energy while the body is able to penetrate the higher layers of emotional and mental bodies.For those of you who have complaints of disturbed sleep even prolonged stress by receiving Reiki on a regular basis then this complaint will be easily reduced and even eliminated from the patient would receive reiki with resignation and relaxed. With both hands pressed to the back and front of the ajna chakra simultaneously then pile the negative energies that exist in the mind of the patient will be destroyed and thrown out through the ajna chakra.Even if the patients harbored the problem of trauma, emotional depth he would cry for no longer bearable. Biarkanlan this patient was crying and not prohibited. All bhatin the stifling burden of feelings and thoughts will be removed and eliminated as reiki energy channeling periodically. Generally with reiki therapy 3 times only, the insomnia complaint will be lost. The more important point insomnia patients are going through life with a relaxing stay away from stress and regulate a healthy lifestyle naturally.The more powerful reiki energy field around your body with your body itself will be difficult to penetrate the negative energy. This is thanks to the thick aura that surrounds the body. So the protection of Divine energy usually appears automatically in a reiki practitioner.When negative energy approaching the divine energy will immediately flow out without being asked by Reiki practitioners. Reiki energy will form a shield the body from disease threats. As a Reiki practitioner you can even make a ball of energy self-protection to others by permission of God Almighty.Back to the problems of mental and emotional body, reiki energy can reach and clean the mental and emotional layers of the body where the stress buildup. Receiving regular Reiki channeling negative energy is then cleaned strees will be replaced with energy bhatin tranquility. Hopefully you will become calm and relaxed in every situation. Relaxed and calm as it sounds very trivial but if we live is something valuable in life.But please remember to learn reiki does not necessarily make you healthier with reiki as well ... my best friend on the blog to be superhuman magic was never sick. Opportunities remain sick because we have a physical body. In order not easily hurt, always maintained a healthy body organs then attempted to channel the reiki energy to organs seserig possible.In addition there is the practice of Reiki is simple and inexpensive tips, that work with regular healthy living, keeping food diet, adequate rest, knowing what it was stress. No less important to be diligent exercise 4 times a week at least 45 minutes. Question healthy with reiki for your best friend is my blog, "Have this day just for you to relax and not undue haste in all its actions? "To relax into quiet please learn meditation as part of this life. Regards ...